
In 2013-2014 DLTIS successfully took part in the project E-resources for teaching and testing language proficiency in Bulgarian as a foreign language for general and academic purposes“, financed by The European Social Fund through The Operative Programme „Development of Human Resources”.

English teachers at DLTIS have recently taken part in Project BG05M2OP001-2.016-0018 „MODERN-A: MODERNisation in Partnership with Digitalisation of the Academic Ecosystem“, financed by the Operative Programme „Science and Education for Intelligent Growth“ – by conducting language courses for teachers at Sofia University.

Teachers at DLTIS are currently involved in Project № 2020-1-BG01-KA201-079140 „DOUBLE (Y)OUR LESSONS IN ENGLISH“ under The Erasmus + Programme with a deadline  –  October 2022. Among the project partners are educational institutions from Greece, Serbia, and Iceland. The joint aim of the project is to provide teaching content for educators who are not specialized in teaching foreign languages by implementing the CLIL methodology to design teaching content for enhancing proficiency in foreign languages. Among the specific aims of the project are:

  • to identify school subjects for intervention
  • to select learning and teaching materials
  • to develop pedagogical approaches and tools
  • to design a teaching course
  • to compile a teacher’s manual
  • to compile an interactive corpus of materials